MALS Current Student Spotlight: Andree Sole

Meet Creative Writing student, Andree Sole, who entered the program in Spring of 2022! Click here to read about her experience as a current MALS student, and her involvement throughout the graduate and greater Dartmouth community!

Where are you from, and when did you start at MALS?

  • I'm from Brisbane, Australia, and I started in Spring '22.

What is your previous academic/professional background?

  •  I was a Speech and Language Pathologist at the University of Queensland, Australia, who went on to complete an MBA from the University of Melbourne, Australia. After completing my masters in business, I then worked in several different industries, from disability non-profit, gambling enterprises, and automotive companies. I was running my own technology firm when I decided that MALS would be a great fit, allowing me to draw from my diverse academic and professional backgrounds.

How did you find out about our program?

  • I found out about MALS from the Dartmouth website.


  •  MALS has an incredible range of courses and opportunities. The breadth of offerings was the main attraction for me.

What is your concentration?

  • I am enrolled in the Creative Writing concentration.

How is your concentration connected to your future prospects/academic or career goals?

  • My concentration is related to an interest in pursuing my own writing. However, I also have a strong interest in mental health, and MALS has been helpful in being able to pursue this while being outside a medical, psychological, or cognitive neuroscience paradigm.

What are your research interests? (if you are writing your thesis, what are you writing about?) 

How are you involved on campus, or in the graduate student community (name all clubs, organizations, sports, jobs, professional development courses, extracurriculars, etc.) 

In what ways have you developed since beginning MALS? 

  •  I've been able to indulge my very broad ranging interests within a classroom and many groups.

Have you been published since enrolling in MALS? If so, which publications?

Favorite professor(s)/favorite course(s)?

  • It's not nice to have favorites! They're all good in different ways.

What advice would you give to an incoming MALS student or prospective MALS applicant? 

  • Talk to the incumbent students: they're incredibly helpful in figuring out which courses will suit you. And they're just great people, so it's fun to hang out with them.

Feel free to mention anything else of importance!

  • The MALS Admissions Coordinator, Ashley Riley is fantastic!