​ Why Apply to The MALS Program at Dartmouth? ​

Students who earn a MALS degree from Dartmouth College have expanded their base of knowledge, analytic insight, creative research, and independent thought.

What can I do with a MALS degree?

During the past few years, our graduates have received prestigious awards such as the Fulbright Fellowship, the J.B. Reynolds Scholarship, and the MacArthur Genius Grant.

Some have gone on to doctoral programs in:

  • English
  • Cultural Studies
  • American Studies
  • Comparative Literature
  • History
  • Language
  • Government
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology

Others have entered professional schools for business, law, medicine, and public policy, or teach at the secondary or college levels.

Our graduates take the next step in their professional or academic career with a heightened confidence in their intellectual strength.

Who Applies to MALS at Dartmouth?

We receive applicants from around the world and from different stages in their academic or professional careers. Our students come from diverse backgrounds and include recent college graduates, scholars, doctors, business leaders, and artists, as well as military personnel, writers, educators, and lawyers.