Clamantis: The MALS Journal is now welcoming submissions for Spring 2022 edition


      "To chase down the truth, wherever it lies."


We are excited to announce that Clamantis: The MALS Journal is now accepting submissions for our upcoming Spring 2022 issue. The deadline to submit your work is Saturday March 19th. 

We publish pieces in the following genres:

  • Creative Writing (fiction, non-fiction, essays, poetry, oral history, screenwriting)
  • Interdisciplinary critical essays
  • Photography
  • Illustrations

We have chosen to leave the theme up to you. We want to hear what's on your mind, what takes up space in your heart, what you're passionate about, questions you find yourself asking as we head into the third year of the pandemic. This is your opportunity to draw from all areas of experience the Guarini School has to offer and share something truly special. 

Please take a moment to carefully review the submission guidelines below. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have. We look forward to reading your work and hearing from you!

Submission guidelines:

  • Work submitted must be completed during your time at MALS, or since graduation.
  • Editors review work anonymously. Please remove your name or any other identifying information from your submission before sending it to us.
  • Submissions should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages. Authors whose work is accepted may be asked to edit for length.
  • All submissions must be Word documents. PDFs will not be accepted.
  • Please provide a short bio in a separate Word document to be submitted with your piece.
  • Photography: All photographs should be high-resolution (300 dpi) saved as a JPEG. Please include a title/caption.
  • Resubmitted pieces must be significantly revised or they will not be considered.
  • If you publish in Clamantis, you are allowed to publish your work elsewhere.
  • By choosing to publish in Clamantis, you give the MALS Journal Editorial Team permission to publish your work both in print and digital formats. Work published in Clamantis remains the property of the author, however, the MALS Journal Editorial Team maintains the right to publish that work indefinitely.

Please direct all submissions to

We also welcome expressions of interest from students in cover art as well as those looking to get involved in the editorial process, as an Assistant or Associate Editor. 

The back issues of the journal can be accessed here and serve as a guide to the type of material we are looking for.

We are also considering submissions for potential cover art for this upcoming edition. If you have a piece of art or an idea, please submit for consideration to

- Clamantis: The MALS Journal Editorial Team

"To chase down the truth, wherever it lies."
