News & Events

  • MALS Student Named a Finalist for Music Award

    April 3, 2018

    Tyné Angela Freeman ’17, MALS ’20, was one of five musicians nominated for an Independent Music Award in the “best concept album” category for Bridges, the album she created for her senior fellowship at Dartmouth.

  • Barbara Ragle Barnes, the First MALS Graduate

    March 15, 2018

    Barbara Ragle Barnes, student, consummate teacher, administrator, gardener, horsewoman, mother, and friend died on Wednesday, March 7, 2018, at the age of 94. She was the first recipient of the Master's of Arts in Liberal Studies at Dartmouth.

  • MALS Faculty Teach on Game of Thrones

    February 28, 2018

    The course titled “Game of Thrones: Re-Imagining Medieval History as an Allegory of the Present,” taught by MALS Chair Don Pease and Lecturer James Dobson.

